High Integrity, Rigorous Security, and Reflected the Will of the People.
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) (USA) defined this post-election audit. These audits are a best practice to test and protect the accuracy and integrity of an election. The Anchorage Municipality ran this audit on the April 5 Regular and the June 21 Special Election. The results showed high integrity, rigorous security and reflected the will of the people.
YouTube of Assembly Work Session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NowBCB7gtg8
Read the final reports of the audit here:
Results Risk Limiting Audit 2022 Regular Election.pdf
Results Risk Limiting Audit 2022 Special Election.pdf
The following is an excerpt from the NCSL website to provide info on what exactly a postelection audit entails. The link to NCSL is noted as well below.
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) RISK-LIMITING AUDITS
Risk-limiting audits are one version of a postelection audit, and a version that is growing in interest among election officials and legislators. A postelection audit checks that the voting equipment and procedures used to count votes worked properly, and that an election yielded the correct outcome. A postelection audit may be able to detect whether any outside interference occurred. Security experts recommend them as one method of protecting the integrity of elections.
In recent years, researchers have developed statistically based audit techniques, referred to as risk-limiting audits (RLAs). These cut down on the number of ballots that need to be audited, while also providing statistical confidence that an incorrect election result is not certified (i.e., made official). As the name suggests, an RLA is designed to limit the risk that a contest is certified with the wrong winner. It does this by increasing the initial sample when discrepancies are found until either the level of confidence has been met or a full recount has been performed.
RLAs are an incremental audit system: If the margin of an election is wide, very few ballots must be reviewed. If the margin is narrow, more will be reviewed up to the point that enough evidence is provided to confirm the declared election result.
Thirty-four states and Washington, D.C., require a postelection audit as defined by NCSL. For more information on traditional audits, visit NCSL Post-Election Audits webpage.