Constitutional Convention


The League of Women Voters of Alaska believes that a constitutional convention should not be held at this time.


The League of Women Voters of Alaska supports these objectives of a state constitution:
– It should provide a framework for statutory law.
– It should be flexible, concise, and adaptable to changing needs.
– It should provide for the establishment of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and establish the basic function of each with checks and balances among them.
– It should provide for the protection of group and individual rights.

The League finds the present Alaska State Constitution meets these objectives.

The League finds that although there are criticisms of government in Alaska, the problems are not with the constitutional provisions, but with the implementation of these provisions.

The Constitution requires a vote every 10 years on a constitutional convention. The League believes this provides a valuable educational opportunity. It requires the electorate to take a serious look at the Constitution and affords an opportunity for adequate review of the effectiveness and responsiveness of the document and our state government.

The League of Women Voters believes that a constitutional convention should not be held at this time. While certain issues prompt intense public interest, the League does not believe that altering the basic framework of government is the best way to address these issues. The League of Women Voters supports reliance on the amendment process for any needed change between now and the next constitutional convention referendum.

Adopted 1982; Reaffirmed each year since at LWVAK Convention.
Find this position statement and more at: League of Women Voters – Alaska – Positions-Bylaws (

League of Women Voters Anchorage

Empowering voters. Defending democracy.

We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.

We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.

Alaska Leagues

There are four local leagues in the State of Alaska under the umbrella of the LWV of Alaska.


League of Women Voters of Anchorage
PO Box 101345
Anchorage, Alaska 99510-1345

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