Anchorage Municipal Election Commission
The Election Commission is a body appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Assembly. Members typically serve a three-year term; members can be reappointed for additional terms. The commission is comprised of five members.
The qualifications of Election Commission members are included in AMC 4.50.035 and include, in addition to AMC 28.10.030, that a member shall (1) if legally eligible, be a qualified voter of the municipality; (2) maintain domicile in the municipality while in office; (3) be at least 18 years of age or meet state requirements relating to employment of minors during the member’s service to the board or commission.
The Election Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Anchorage Assembly and the Municipal Clerk in the conduct of elections; studies and recommends to the Assembly and Municipal Clerk proposed ordinances relating to elections; serves as the canvass board for Municipal Elections; and reviews the results of the election officials’ tabulation; among other assigned duties. AMC 28.120.060.
The Anchorage Election Commission is required to hold an organizational meeting each year in January. AMC 28.120.030. The Commission typically elects a Chair and a Vice-Chair, reviews its procedures and the election calendar, and establishes a meeting and training schedule for the election cycle.
Become a Member of the ANC Municipal Election Commission
October 12, 2022 Dear League Member: There is a vacancy on the Municipal Election Commission. Every October one or two members serving on the Election Commission will have their terms expire. The member has the option to reapply. This year two members' terms expired....
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Alaska Leagues
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League of Women Voters of Anchorage
PO Box 101345
Anchorage, Alaska 99510-1345
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