

Volunteer Action Opportunities 

Many individuals have been inspired by the League’s history of effective citizen advocacy.  Important local and state elections are taking place this fall.  Now is the time to starting thinking about how you can become engaged. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Join the League: If you’re looking for ways to get involved in your community and help defend our democracy, join the Anchorage League of Women Voters! For nearly 100 years we have been fighting for voting rights and that work continues today. We are looking for neighbors and friends to join our work.

Become an e-Activist: Receive updates from the League and hold your elected officials accountable by taking action on the League’s key voting rights and other priorities.

Volunteer Your Time: We are working to make a difference in our community. Sign up to volunteer.

Donate to the League: Your support makes it possible for LWV to take a stand. Donate today.

Spread the Word: Stay engaged every day and leverage your social media followers to get involved too!  Follow the League on Facebook (link) to find out how to make an impact.

Attend a Community Meeting: Learn about local issues and hear from elected officials. You can connect and organize with people already active in your community. Check the League’s calendar. (Link)

Voter Registration and Education: Make sure your family and neighbors are up to date on their registration. The League works year-round at schools and community events to prepare eligible voters. Check out Vote411.org for more information.

Contact your Representatives: Elected officials work for the people and need to hear from concerned citizens like you.

Run for Office: You can directly contribute to the direction of local politics in your own back yard. From school board to the state house, there are many opportunities to run for office and make a difference.

Write a letter to the Editor: Newspapers print concerns from readers and love to hear about local concerns. Tailor the issue for your community and support local newspapers when possible.

Get out the Vote: Remind family and friends to vote on Election Day. Use org to find your polling place, learn about candidates and confirm polling place hours.

Serve on the Program Committee: Help us develop voter education materials and prepare for the next election, get out information about our concerns regarding the Constitutional Convention; staff booths a summer festivals, etc.

Join the Speaker’s Bureau: If you like to speak in public and love League topics, this could be the group for you. It is also a group that helps organize speakers for member meetings.

At the League of Women Voters of Anchorage, we volunteer for voter registration drives, for supporting our local elections, and for supporting Youth Vote. If you are interested in joining us, our contact information is below.

League of Women Voters Anchorage

Empowering voters. Defending democracy.

We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.

We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.

Alaska Leagues

There are four local leagues in the State of Alaska under the umbrella of the LWV of Alaska.


League of Women Voters of Anchorage
PO Box 101345
Anchorage, Alaska 99510-1345

Facebook LWVAnchorage

We are a 501c3 non profit.